In this blog you will find our if we’re ready and/or scared to go on our world trip, how we feel about hitchhiking through Europe and in Brazil, our first plans for Brazil and how we liked our goodbye party.
So, last Saturday was the big day. Our goodbye party was already there. Wow, time flies! Today, two weeks from now, we will be hitch-hiking to Vigo, Spain, to catch our flight to Salvador, Brazil on the 10th of February. Woohooo! So, this really scares me, but we did it anyway! There is no running from it anymore. We are leaving and it will be in two weeks! Not making it ourselves too easy, with hitch-hiking to catch a flight. But you know what, if you believe it’s possible, it always turns out that it really is. So we’re keeping the faith and we’re expecting no problems.
Once we arrived in Salvador, we hope to find a nice place to spend the night there, so we can continue our trip the next day, hitch-hiking to Rio de Janeiro. Of course we want to be there in time for the Carnival, which starts February 24th. Hopefully that’s plenty of time. Now we’re hoping that hitch-hiking in Brazil isn’t as bad as they say. We hear different stories about it, though I guess there is only one option left. Find out for ourselves. We also read a lot of good stories about very helpful people along the highway, for example truck drivers and gas station employees. We read it’s okay to sleep at a gas station. Truck drivers do the same, they hang their hammocks and snore away. This time of the year the temperatures at night are around 25 degrees Celsius, so all we need is a thin cotton sleeping bag and lots of DEET for the mosquitoes and we’re good to go. Also, if there is no place for us to sleep, people should be very helpful and sometimes offer you a place to sleep and eat in their own house. Sounds promising, right?
So, the party. It was awesome! We have so many dear friends and family. Almost everyone came to wish us well and give many generous, creative, practical and fun gifts. To some people it was really hard to say goodbye. Others might even come visit us on our trip. How cool is that! Just make sure you let us know if you want to come visit, so we can make sure we are close to that place at that time.
We got so much money that we can easily cover the costs for 2 intercontinental flights for the both of us! Thank you all so much! So, this first ticket is already payed for. Soon we will count all our savings, the money we got from our friends and family and the money that was already in our joined account. Our goal will be to only use this money for our entire trip. This means travelling very low budget. Also it means that we have to work if we run out of money, or go back home. We already planned to work in Australia for a few months, once we run out of money, so that’s probably gonna happen.
So keep track of our posts, so you’ll know if we’ll make it work or not. We’ll keep you updated when we know with what amount of money we’ll have to manage!
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